Thursday, October 8, 2015

Fire Safety/Community Helpers

We practiced "Stop, Drop, and Roll" today.  The students were great at doing this!  We also practiced crawling low to the ground in order to breathe "good air."  This students know a lot about Fire Safety!

We had a Software Engineer come and talk to us today!  We liked when he showed us how to program the computer and tell it to do different things!  This was the first parent presentation we had for our "Community Helpers" unit we are doing in Social Studies.  We are excited that we have many parents coming to talk to us about their careers this month!


  1. I should have stayed to learn about computer programming. I need help!!

  2. Looks like fun! I enjoyed hearing about fire safety from Lyla- she reminded us that we need a family meeting spot if the smoke alarms go off!
